9454 Wilshire Blvd, Sixth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Author Archives: Michael J. Berger

Harward & Associates Dissolve and Drop SSH Matter

Rumors began circulating last week that James Harward and Spencer Robinson of Harward & Associates were no longer doing any work on behalf SSH students. I spoke to Andrew August of Pinnacle Law Group and Dan Reed formerly of Harward and Associates and confirmed the truth of these rumors. Dan Reed told me that Harward […]

SSH Confidential Settlement Discussions

Settlement discussions with the lenders have not resulted in any offer that I can recommend to my clients. Still, all parties are talking and all parties say that they are interested in a fair settlement. Settlement discussions will soon be entering a critical phase during which I will not post further information about these discussions […]

Multi-State Group of Attorney Generals Investigating SSH And Its Lenders

I have been carefully following the ongoing separate and joint efforts of 16 different states to investigate SSH, its owners, and its lenders KeyBank, Student Loan Xpress, and Citibank. The Attorney General’s Offices for 15 different states have joined together to form a multi-state group to investigate SSH and its lenders. The 14 states that […]

Sue The Lenders Now Or Try To Settle First?

Sue the Lenders now or try to settle first? This is the choice that I have to make on behalf of our SSH clients. Three separate class action lawsuits have been filed against one or more of the lenders that SSH referred its students to. Pinnacle Law Group, LLP of San Francisco, California filed class […]

Good New for Our Clients Who Borrowed Money From KeyBank

Many of our KeyBank clients have written to us or called us to complain about collection efforts by KeyBank, including telephone calls, letters, and demands for immediate repayment. I am very pleased to report that I have found a way to stop all of this for our KeyBank clients. I have provided KeyBank’s counsel with […]

Our SSH Clients By Lender

3 major lenders made “student loans” to the students that attended SSH: KeyBank, Student Loan Xpress, and Citbank. Most of our 1372 paid SSH clients obtained their loan from Student Loan Express. Here is the breakdown of where our SSH students obtained their loans from: Student Loan Xpress 1,113. KeyBank 150. Citibank 72. The remaining […]

Tucson Weekly Story About Silver State Helicopters Bankruptcy

PUBLISHED ON JULY 3, 2008: Permanently Grounded A helicopter school took student money and suddenly went bankrupt By AUBIN TYLER Silver State Helicopters school filed for bankruptcy, leaving students in shock and on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. At least a year before the Silver State Helicopters school filed […]

Proof of Claim Bar Date in the SSH Bankruptcy Case is July 21, 2008

The Bar Date in the Silver State Helicopters Bankruptcy Case, also known as the last day to file a proof of claim, is July 21, 2008. This Bar Date has been extended twice by the Bankruptcy Court. The original bar date was in June, and the first extended bar date was July 7, 2008. No […]

Citibank Deferment Request Letter

Many of our SSH clients with loans from Citibank have received a letter regarding a deferment request. The first paragraph of the letter states, “At this time we are in the process of updating our records to ensure that we have current enrollment information for our customers. We would appreciate it if you would assist […]

AES/Student Loan Xpress Suspends Interest Accrual and Payments on SSH Student Loans

Many of our SSH clients with loans from Student Loan Xpress that are serviced by AES have received letters from AES regarding the suspension of interest accrual and payments on their SSH Student Loans. The letters are dated or or about May 27, 2008 and state in pertinent part, “Dear Customer: As you may know, […]


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