9454 Wilshire Blvd, Sixth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Category Archives: Uncategorized

Experienced Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Paralegal Wanted

Help! I need another great bankruptcy paralegal to join my team. Do you know anyone that might be interested in working for me? Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Paralegal Wanted $55,000.00+/Year! I am a Certified Specialist in Bankruptcy Law with 37 years of bankruptcy experience. For more information about me and my firm, see my website www.bankruptcypower.com. […]

California Bankruptcy Forum Annual Insolvency Conference


Every year, I participate in the California Bankruptcy Forum’s Annual Insolvency Conference.  This is a great way to mingle with California Bankruptcy Court Judges and other bankruptcy attorneys, get lots of relevant continuing education, and have lots of fun.  This year, the conference was held in Napa, California and I brought ALL of my attorneys.  […]

Getting Compensatory Damages for the Willful Violation of the Automatic Stay Under 11 U.S.C. § 362(k)(1)

Compensatory Damages

Do not violate the automatic stay.  If you do, it may cost you thousands of dollars.  This is the lesson that United States Bankruptcy Court Judge Julia Brand and I taught my client Alvaro Garcia’s largest Judgment Creditor and its counsel.  On February 3, 2015, in a case entitled, In re Alvaro Garcia, Case No. […]

Successful Voluntary Dismissal of a Chapter 7 Asset Case

chapter 7 bankruptcy

Shout out to my Associate Attorney Maryam Behrouzi!  Maryam  prepared a Motion to Voluntarily Dismiss Chapter 7 Bankruptcy that was opposed by the Chapter 7 Trustee Elissa Miller and the law firm SulmeyerKupetz,  both of which stood to make tens of thousands of dollars in additional administrative fees if the case was not dismissed. Debtor’s […]

Attorney Uses Long Distance Running to Stay Healthy

Attorney Uses Long Distance Running to Stay Healthy

Wednesday, December 31, 2014 Attorney uses long distance running to stay healthy By Alex Shively Daily Journal Staff Writer For Michael Jay Berger, staying fit isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon – and then some. At 57, the Beverly Hills bankruptcy specialist is an avid runner who finds time for routine training and, occasionally, more […]

Columnist: Congress Needs to Change Student Loan Bankruptcy Rules

Student Loan

Seven out of 10 college seniors graduated with student debt in 2012. From 2008 to 2012, debt at the time of graduation increased an average of six percent each year. In California, college graduates have an average of more than $20,000 of student debt. Although there has been an overall increase in student debt, there […]

What is the Role of Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy?

Automatic Stay

When filing for bankruptcy protection, a concept called an automatic stay protects a debtor from creditors and puts a halt to any lawsuits filed against that person. In additions, it also protects debtors from actions against their property from a creditor or collection agency. The automatic stay can be a major benefit when filing for […]

USBC Judge Albert sent a strong message to SH&B LLP completely denying their $211K Fee Application + making them disgorge $58K

application from Debtor's prior bankruptcy counsel

Below is an article published today in the Daily Journal regarding a case in which I successfully opposed a $211,889.50 fee application from Debtor’s prior bankruptcy counsel, Schulman Hodges & Bastian, as well as my client’s five star review of my services:   OCTOBER 24, 2014 | BANKRUPTCY Judge slaps Shulman Hodges with fee denial, […]

When Should You Declare Bankruptcy?

When Should You Declare Bankruptcy?

In this tough economy being in debt is an accepted norm. Credit card companies entice American households with irresistible offers to extend credit or loans. While these offers may seem good, accepting more credit and going further into debt may lead you into debt overload. You may have difficulty determining when you’ve gone over the […]

Bankruptcy Process: Can a Creditor Prevent a Discharge?


There are a number of reasons that lead people to filing for personal bankruptcy.  Among the top causes are accumulated debts from: medical expenses, loss of employment, separation or divorce, excessive use of credit and unexpected expenses.  All of these situations can quickly spin out of control and leave you with little or no resources […]


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