9454 Wilshire Blvd, Sixth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Author Archives: Michael J. Berger

Attorney Peter Lown Endorses Michael Berger

Attorney Peter Charles Lown of the Georgia Law Firm of Harrington & Lown has decided to stop working on the SSH matter and refer all of his SSH clients to the Law Offices of Michael Berger. Mr Lown represented approximately 40 SSH clients, making him the attorney with the third largest group of SSH clients, […]

Geo’s and Gail’s report on the Silver State Helicopters, LLC 341(a) hearing on 3/10/08 at 3pm

Georgeann Nicol and Gail Higgins of the Law Offices of Michael Jay Berger represented all of our SSH clients at the 341a hearing of Sliver State Helicopters, LLC in Las Vegas, NV at 3pm on 3/10/08. Here is Geo and Gail’s report: The hearing started out in the Bankruptcy court at 300 S. Las Vegas […]

San Diego Union Tribune Writes About The Plight of the SSH Students

JACIE LANDEROS / Union-Tribune Left in the lurch Lenders expect students to repay private loans even if school goes bankrupt By Bruce V. Bigelow UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER March 9, 2008 Hector Leon was a freshly divorced father with two small children when he decided in 2006 to enroll in a helicopter flight school offered at El […]

Silver State Helicopters, LLC

Gail, Georgeann and I have taken on a new big case: representation of many of the 2,700 former students of Silver State Helicopters who are now creditors of Silver State Helicopters. These students never received the helicopter training and certifications that they were promised. Most were left with huge student loan debts. Tens of Millions […]

The Network Is Up!

As my bankruptcy practice has grown, I have continued to update our computers and computer software. This week, the IT crew from Dell Computers and All Covered installed a new Heavy Duty Dell Power Edge Server and linked all of our Dell desktop computers and HP 4250 Laser Jet printers in a high speed network. […]

Boston Marathon, Monday, April 16, 2007

What’s so great about Boston? It’s not the weather. This year, on race day, it was cold and rainy, with constant headwinds of 15-30 mph and gusts to 46 mph. The running expo is great, with the best selection of running gear and inspirational speakers anywhere. The course is great, rolling, beautiful and historic. The […]

Finishing Strong at the LA Marathon, 2007

This is me on the way to a 3:26:55 finish at the LA Marathon on March 4, 2007. I placed 388/24,715. Now it is on to Boston where I hope to set a new marathon PR.

Recent Educational Programs

Even though I am already certified by the Board of Legal Specialization of the State Bar of California as a Certified Legal Specialist in Bankruptcy Law, I am always learning more about bankruptcy law. Recent educational programs that I have take include the following: March 2, 2007 American Bankruptcy Institute’s Day Long “Battleground West” program […]

L.A. Leggers 2007 L.A. Marathon Runner 2nd Place Male Award

On March 11, 2007, I received an award from the L.A. Leggers for having the the second fastest Legger finishing time at the 2007 LA Marathon. The L.A. Leggers is a marathon training club with over 1800 members. It has been rated as the top running club in Los Angeles by both LA Sports and […]

Here I am at Yosemite in June. This picture was taken in the middle of a 9 mile hike.  


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